On Light : Elena Musat
- Elena M.OnLight
- Bucuresti, Romania
- http://elenamusat.wordpress.com/ Fotografii... ..."diferite, lovindu-se... amestecandu-se, doua culori ce nu s-au vazut niciodata, una foarte de jos, intoarsa spre pamant, una foarte de sus, aproape rupta in infrigurata, neasemuita lupta a minunii ca esti, a intamplarii ca sunt..."
Universul meu... Intrati, va rog! Va asteptam...
“I’m an adventurer, looking for treasure.”
■“"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure."
■“We all have the ability…we just don't all have the courage to follow our dreams and to follow the signs.”
■“"I learned the most important lesson of my life: that the extraordinary is not the birthright of a chosen and privileged few, but of all people, even the humblest. That is my one certainty: we are all the manifestation of the divinity of God."
■“Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose--and commit myself to--what is best for me.
■“Live. If you live, God will live with you. If you refuse to run his risks, he’ll retreat to that distant heaven and be merely a subject for philosophical speculation. Everyone knows this, but no one takes the first step, perhaps for fear of being called insane.
■“You’re someone who’s different, but who wants to be the same as everyone else. And that, in my view, is a serious illness.
■“The moment that he begins to walk along it, the warrior of the light recognizes the path.
■“Each stone, each bend cries welcome to him. He identifies with the mountains and the streams, he sees something of his own soul in the plants and the animals and the birds of the field.
■“Join with those who sing songs, tell stories, enjoy life … because happiness is contagious. Join those who walk with their heads high even when they have tears in their eyes. Avoid those who … have never shed a tear
■“We all have the ability…we just don't all have the courage to follow our dreams and to follow the signs.”
■“"I learned the most important lesson of my life: that the extraordinary is not the birthright of a chosen and privileged few, but of all people, even the humblest. That is my one certainty: we are all the manifestation of the divinity of God."
■“Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose--and commit myself to--what is best for me.
■“Live. If you live, God will live with you. If you refuse to run his risks, he’ll retreat to that distant heaven and be merely a subject for philosophical speculation. Everyone knows this, but no one takes the first step, perhaps for fear of being called insane.
■“You’re someone who’s different, but who wants to be the same as everyone else. And that, in my view, is a serious illness.
■“The moment that he begins to walk along it, the warrior of the light recognizes the path.
■“Each stone, each bend cries welcome to him. He identifies with the mountains and the streams, he sees something of his own soul in the plants and the animals and the birds of the field.
■“Join with those who sing songs, tell stories, enjoy life … because happiness is contagious. Join those who walk with their heads high even when they have tears in their eyes. Avoid those who … have never shed a tear
Unde va regasiti?...
Meilleur Ami...
La vie ce n'est pas d'attendre que les orages passent…
Viata nu inseamna sa astepti ca furtunile sa treaca...
C' est d'apprendre comment danser sous la pluie...
Ci sa inveti sa dansezi in poaie...
On Light...
...On Light
...arta de a face fotografii, de a imortaliza emotii, senzatii, sentimente...
...clipe unice si irepetabile daruite unei eternitati vizuale...
...franturi de suflet numarate in pixeli...
...alchimie a imaginii...
...sper ca veti fi ingaduitori cu mine :)
Multumesc din tot sufletul celor care mi-au dat sfaturi si m-au incurajat sa incep sa traiesc imaginea ca arta!
...arta de a face fotografii, de a imortaliza emotii, senzatii, sentimente...
...clipe unice si irepetabile daruite unei eternitati vizuale...
...franturi de suflet numarate in pixeli...
...alchimie a imaginii...
...sper ca veti fi ingaduitori cu mine :)
Multumesc din tot sufletul celor care mi-au dat sfaturi si m-au incurajat sa incep sa traiesc imaginea ca arta!
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